There is a lot going on right now in Los Angeles so it’s important to remember that the situation has not been stabilized. If we are not in the direct line of fire we can let our guard down, but embers, fire and smoke move rapidly, and evacuation orders can come fast and furious and there is often little time to react. If you are near an evacuation zone please prepare now, and if you can, evacuate ahead of the order just to be safe. Winds look to pick up again over the next few days so err on the side of extreme caution. We have been helping clients evacuate when it is possible but is impossible once the evacuation order comes in. Please reach out to us if you need help or think you need help. Don’t wait. Be safe.

An important thing to be aware of is that air quality is, and will continue to be hazardous and unhealthy for some time. The air quality at my home reached 468 out of a possible 500 on Wednesday morning! Even though there was no immediate fire danger I had to get my family out of there. If you are not in an evacuation zone for the fire you must pay attention to the air quality. There are many resources for air quality. I use this site. The air quality, or AQI (Air Quality Index), is measured on a scale from 0 to 500. In general, below 100 is okay for most. Between 100 and 150 it starts to not get good. Everyone should be cautions at this level and wear a mask but more sensitive groups, children, people with respiratory health issues, older folks, should avoid exposure and certainly don’t exercise. Above 150 it’s just bad and you should avoid being outside.

It is also important to assess your indoor air quality. If you have air purifiers, run them. If you don’t, it is likely difficult to get air purifiers now so if the air quality is unhealthy outside the best thing to do is to voluntarily evacuate. If you must stay, keep your doors and windows sealed shut. You can put a high-quality filter in your HVAC system and run the system on a fan setting so it acts as a low-level air filter, best if the air filter is a charcoal air filter.

Prioritize your safety and health. We will continue to provide information on wellness and rebuilding as we move forward. The fires will be extinguished. This is a major disaster. Many people have lost everything, many are displaced, including our own employees. This is, and will be, a difficult period which will define us as a community. Let’s work together, find compassion, grace and love.

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